Request a Product

Thank you for helping us keep the best products on our shelves!

Part of the reason why the Baton Rouge Community loves Calandro’s so much is because we carry what our customers want. We definitely pride ourselves on our already enormous number of products that you just can’t find elsewhere, but we’re humble enough to understand that there are many products we just haven’t discovered yet. This is where you – our awesome customers – come in! Simply let us know what it is you’d like in the form below, and we’ll check into it for you as fast as we possibly can.

(Sometimes, the product you want will become a permanent addition on our shelves. Other times, we may just have to order a box or a case specifically for you. And, of course, in rare cases – we just can’t get an item – but you can bet we’ll give it our best shot. So this is your chance to let our amazing staff do what they do best – get you what you want – and make our store selection better for everyone!)

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