Folks – we’re open and we’re planning on staying that way to serve our neighbors both in Mid-City and South Baton Rouge and keep you stocked while everyone is staying at home. But we are modding our hours at both stores to give us extra time to clean, sanitize, restock, and prep the store between sales days and also to allow our community at higher health risk to be able to shop while continuing to practice social distancing.
With that in mind, both stores will be closing early at 6pm this Thursday, 3/19 so we can handle a big restock we know is coming Thursday afternoon. Then, on Friday, 3/20 both stores will start the following new hours for every day during the pandemic (really until circumstances allow us to go back to something more normal):
9a-10a each day will be reserved for Seniors (60 & over) and individuals at higher risk for complication with Coronavirus to shop and still be able to practice social distancing to protect their health first thing in the morning.
10a-6p each day we will be open to everyone for normal shopping. But these compressed normal hours will be the new normal for a while so put that in your calendars for now to remember.
If anyone has any questions about the changes, don’t hesitate to contact us at the stores via the numbers below, and everyone keep your heads up, stay safe, stay home as much as possible, and take care of your families & neighbors. We are tough and resilient here in BR and we will all get through this together!
Calandro’s Mid-City: 225-383-7815
Calandro’s Perkins: 225-767-6659