The biggest whiskey event in the Southeast is only 10 days away. Calandro’s 4th Annual #RareWhiskeyEvent is on Thursday, Dec. 17th @ Calandro’s Perkins from 5p-8p and will be our BEST EVER. First off – we’ll be collecting donations for @wwp as an official #ProudSupporter event! We also will have #Pumpkinator from @saintarnoldbrewing, @glenmorangieusa to taste, @parishbrewingco tastings, a collection of #artisanwines, tastings of our hand-selected @knobcreek single-barrel bourbons, and even Mr. Jude Messina signing bottles of @rebeccacreekwhiskey. And, of course, we will have our legendary #RareWhiskeyAndBeer raffle at 7p with bottles of #pappyvanwinkle, #buffalotraceantiquecollection, #oldrasputin beer, @gooseisland #BourbonCountyStout, and MUCH MORE! Copy and paste the URL below into your browser for more info on this #Epic event: