
#WellLookieThere It’s a #LateNightFriday but #EarlyChristmasMiracle! @hugjayd’s brand new #LouisianaMolassesMustard is on the shelf at Calandro’s Perkins for $7.99 a bottle and way earlier than expected! #ComeAndGetIt #PerfectLAFoodieChristmasGift #MerryMolassesMustardChristmas (And hey – if you want – we can make you up a Calandro’s custom #GiftBasket with JayD’s #BBQSauce, JayD’s Blanc Du Bois White Wine, and JayD’s #MolassesMustard for the discerning @biteandbooze & #JayDsFoodieFanatics out there – just let us know!)

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