by Blaise Calandro, III | Feb 19, 2020 | News / Events
That would be an OG Calandro’s Cinnamon King Cake bun on a Burgersmith burger y’all. Ridiculously Delicious. Deliciliculous? . Well anyway, we tried a sample and it definitely warrants a new word mashup because it’s c r a z y good. #deliciliculous ....
by Blaise Calandro, III | Feb 19, 2020 | Bakery, Instagram
That would be an OG Calandro’s Cinnamon King Cake bun on a Burgersmith burger y’all. Ridiculously Delicious. Deliciliculous? . Well anyway, we tried a sample 👑🎂🍔 and it definitely warrants a new word mashup because it’s c r a z y good....
by Blaise Calandro, III | Feb 18, 2020 | News / Events
T-minus 2 days…Calandro’s 2020 King Cake Crowning on Thursday, Feb. 20th from 4p-6p at Calandro’s Perkins. Some highlights: . A Bunch of free Calandro’s Gourmet King Cakes to taste, compare, and enjoy! . ️ People’s Choice voting on the...
by Blaise Calandro, III | Feb 18, 2020 | Instagram
**insta-embed-video** T-minus 2 days…Calandro’s 2020 King Cake Crowning on Thursday, Feb. 20th from 4p-6p at Calandro’s Perkins. Some highlights: . 👑 A Bunch of free Calandro’s Gourmet King Cakes to taste, compare, and enjoy! . ☑️...
by Blaise Calandro, III | Feb 18, 2020 | News / Events
Come by BOTH locations starting today until Friday to support @chs_br with their #2020challengeday canned food drive against SJA! All donations go to the Baton Rouge Food Bank… #challengeday #dabears #cannedgoods #grocery View in Instagram ⇒