by Blaise Calandro, III | Aug 19, 2017 | Cheese, Grocery, Instagram, Wine
We’re there and it’s all happening at @laubergebr for @epicureanbr’s #FêteRouge 2017! Join us next Friday, 8/25 @ 7pm for amazing wines and local gourmet foods from all over @visitbatonrouge including Calandro’s homemade cheeses, dips, gourmet...
by Blaise Calandro, III | Jul 15, 2017 | Cheese, Frozen, Grocery, Instagram
Dude. True low-carb, no-guilt, #paleo #pizza. Seriously. Just got @realgoodfoods full line of pizzas in @ Calandro’s Perkins and they are really, no-kidding 4 grams of carbs…PER PIZZA (not per slice). The crust is made with no hormone, no antibiotic...
by Blaise Calandro, III | Jun 7, 2017 | Beer, Cheese, Deli, Grocery, Instagram, Spirits, Wine
[dsgnwrks_instagram_embed src=”” type=”video”] Mark your calendars, save the date, whatever…just be here! #ATasteOfIndependence #Happy4th #PartyTime #tasting #news #events #spirits #grocery #wine...
by Blaise Calandro, III | Mar 29, 2017 | Cheese, Deli, Instagram, Wine
TONIGHT! Stop by and say hello, will ya? ・・・ The Taste is the place to be (with US!) next Wed., March 29th – 7pm – @laubergebr! Throw on your best #80s threads for the @werewolf80s show, come see us at our table, grab some scrumptious homemade...
by Blaise Calandro, III | Mar 25, 2017 | Cheese, Deli, Instagram, Wine
The Taste is the place to be (with US!) next Wed., March 29th – 7pm – @laubergebr! Throw on your best #80s threads for the @werewolf80s show, come see us at our table, grab some scrumptious homemade Calandro’s hors d’oeuvres and some...
by Bryan Bass | Feb 26, 2011 | Cheese, Uncategorized
Made by Anthony Barber and family at Maryland Farm, Somerset uses pasturised cow’s milk and their own traditional cheese cultures to give you this exquisite, 24 month matured cheddar.