Well, we’re a little late with our announcement, given that Fête Rouge 2014 is tomorrow (8/22) from 7pm to 10pm at L’auberge Casino in South Baton Rouge.  And on the bad news side of things, the main fête (which for the newbies, means festival in French) has completely sold out.  All we can say is: Folks must’ve heard elsewhere that Calandro’s was going to be there…


However, we never come bearing just the bad news.  First, Fête du Vin, the high end wine tasting fête within the bigger Fête Rouge event still has tickets available (check here).  So get over to that link and get your tickets, because that gets you in to the big event plus the ultra-high-end wine tasting you’ve always wanted to go to.  And second, if you’re already signed up to come, Calandro’s will be there bearing some excellent Calandro’s “tastes” for you all to try along with all of the other wonderful food, drink, and revelry that will be going on.

Some of the items we’ll be featuring include:

  • Calandro’s Homemade Wine & Cheese Shop Cheese Balls
  • Luscious Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
  • Calandro’s Bakery’s Handmade Palmiers Pastries

So stop by, say hello, and hey – we can all Fête together!


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