Check out our super specials & deals this week at Calandro’s! Here’s the highlights:
  • Blue Bell Ice Cream: Blue Bell produces over 250 different frozen products. Of these, 66 are flavors of ice cream. Twenty of the flavors are offered year-round, while an additional two to three dozen are offered seasonally. In addition to ice cream, the company produces frozen yogurt, sherbet, and an array of frozen treats on a stick. Blue Bell continues to sell true half-gallon containers. Grab a bowl of Blue Bell and enjoy.
  • Daisy Sour Cream: For a fresh, creamy taste add Daisy sour cream to recipes, tacos, baked potatoes or use in a dip for your next party or family gatherings.
  • LeSueur Peas: Sweet peas you’ve known and loved for decades. We pick and can our vegetables at exactly the right moment to preserve their farm-fresh, premium flavor. These small peas have premium taste and have the best quality and flavor.
  • Blue Plate Mayonnaise: Blue Plate Mayonnaise has been perking up sandwiches, potato salad, chicken salad and deviled eggs since 1927. It’s made like homemade with our simple time honored recipe of oil, vinegar and only the egg yolks, making it extra rich and creamy. Pick up a jar of Blue Plate and bring out the flavor of all your favorite family recipes.

However – there’s even more great stuff in the Ad! Click the image below to pull up a PDF printable copy of all the specials so you don’t miss a thing!

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