Like trying new, interesting, and Jay Ducote yum-approved things? (Check.) Like 5% off (of ALL your groceries)? (Check.) Like Calandro’s Supermarket and Bite & Booze (radio, blog, tv, etc.)? (Check.) Then – you’re gonna like this promo....
Well, we’re a little late with our announcement, given that Fête Rouge 2014 is tomorrow (8/22) from 7pm to 10pm at L’auberge Casino in South Baton Rouge. And on the bad news side of things, the main fête (which for the newbies, means festival in French)...
Forte Grove Bakery will be sampling their breads in our Perkins Road Store: Friday, April 22: 2:00 pm, until 6:00 pm Read their story here: Forte Grove Bakery Come by and check them out – We think you’ll like!